Tuesday, December 3, 2013

CHIBIS: the mini me's of anime

Chibis are super-cute little people, animals, and even robots. When I say little, I mean it! Some times, a chibi's head is larger than its body! More often than not, though, a chibi's body structure is just like a small child's.

Just because chibis are super-small and super-cute like kawaii people, doesn't mean chibis are super-simplified, too. In fact, chibis are just like normal sized manga people that shrunk in the dryer. Everything is very detailed, and the eyes have shines; a feature that kawaii people don't have.

Even though chibis look super sweet and cute, some times, their personalities are the opposite. Some chibis are evil spies, cyborgs, mad scientists, and other generic bad-guys. It is very funny to see such a cute, sweet character wearing such a sour expression on their face!

Chibis have all the same character types as other genres of manga, just in a smaller package. If I know anything, these cute characters are addictive, and once you start drawing them, you can't stop!

Here is a chibi cat-girl.
As you can see, the
Cuteness is multiplied.

Here is a chibi with the proportions
of a small child.

This chibi has the second smallest
body type of all the chibis! Note
the giant, shiny eyes.
Here are some chibi animals. Animals in the
chibi style resemble kawaii animals.
However, this is the only chibi thing that this
likeness applies to.

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